Recruitment Analysis

We would take on selection assignments at Top, middle and junior level positions based on a thorough understanding of the job specifications, organization culture and other critical attributes required for the specific position. These assignments would be handled by our Sourcing team with excellent network and experience to look for the right candidate for any given role. Our Sourcing team would specifically head hunt profiles and submit the same to the Organization after preliminary interviews. We also provide referral checks with detailed comments on the candidates’ profiles and maintain contact with the candidate/s till such time that they join time.

  • Co-ordination for advertisement approval
  • Release of advertisement
  • Short-listing the resumes
  • Conducting preliminary interviews
  • Facilitating the technical screening
  • Co-ordinate final interviews and
  • Follow up on joining
  • Provide a structured MIS report on candidates based on resumes received, accepted, rejected and joined.